Our team of experts are regularly sharing their views on the big cross-border eCommerce topics.

Global Tariff Updates
Hurricane’s data-driven APIs are updated real time in line with changes to

How AI has been hijacked, the AGI fallacy and leveraging Vertical AI.
The term Artificial Intelligence has been with us since 1954, there have

An Post rolls out Hurricane across import, export and retail network
Hurricane and An Post have enjoyed a longstanding partnership. Starting with import,

CBP Delays Automated Rejections for De Minimis Shipments
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced a significant delay in

The Delivery Group praises Hurricane as the “perfect partner”
ETrak is The Delivery Group’s advanced international delivery parcel service used by

Entry Type 86: Complete, accurate and timely data now a requirement
As of July 25, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires the

Navigating the skies of compliance
How Hurricane’s data solutions are helping air cargo companies overcome a variety

Unleashing Data’s Potential: A Pathway to Environmental Leadership
Author: Martin Palmer, Co-Founder of Hurricane Commerce, a world-leader in the provision

ICS2 Release 3 implementation to start on June 3
The next phase of the implementation of Import Control System 2 (ICS2)